Newborn Baby Stuff Purchase List
- Crib or Bassinet (bassinet can only fit a baby till two or three month old, some people choose to buy the play yard with bassinet / changing area)
- Crib Mattress
- Fitted Sheet 2-3 (包在 crib mattress 外的)
- Mobile for the crib
- Waterproof Mat (optional)
- Receiving Blankets 3 (頭幾個月包 baby 身體用的,料子比一般的blanket 薄)
- Shawl or cotton blanket at least 2-3 (睡覺或平時保暖覆蓋用的被子,blanket是最常用到的,看季節決定購買的材質)
- no pillow (baby doesn’t sleep on the pillow)
- Diaper (醫院會給,可先準備一些備用)
- Baby Wipe
- Diaper Bag (optional)
- Changing Table (optional,我是用矮櫃來代替)
- Changing Pad
- Changing Pad Cover 2
- Diaper Disposal System (optional)
- Water Proof Lap Pad (optional)
- Monitor (optional)
- Bottles (4oz./8oz.)
- Formula (breastfeeding 也需要準備一些,醫院會給一點)
- Bottle Brush
- Brest feeding Pumps (可以先跟醫院租,建議買電動的,推薦 Medela or Avent 這兩個牌子)
- Bottle Warmer (optional)
- Bottle Sterilizer (optional)
- Breast Milk Freezer Bag
- Nursing Bra
- Handsfree Pumping Bra
- Nipple Cream (減輕哺乳的龜裂,幫助癒合)
- Burp Cloth (optional)
- Bibs 2-4
- Breastfeeding Pillow
- Baby bath tub
- 2 Hooded towels
- 2 - 4 Washcloths for bathing baby
- Head to Toe wash
- Baby Lotion
- Carrier
- Car seat and Bases
- Stroller
- Stroller and Car Seat toys (optional)
- 6-8 undershirts / vests
- Wool/ cotton mix for winter
- 4-6 sleepers or night gowns (optional,newborn baby 不需要特別買睡衣)
- 2 Hats
- 5 pairs of socks
- 2 pairs of Mitten (預防Baby 用手抓臉)
- 5-10 Bodysuits (one sizes,連身兔衣) or Rompers
- 6-8 small hangers (optional)
- Jackets
- Thermometer (耳溫槍)
- 2-4 pacifiers
- 1 pack of Alcohol wipes (for umbilical cord care)
- Bouncer (optional)
- Play Gym (optional)
- Swing (optional)
好清楚唷 我的沒這麼清楚 呵呵 你女兒會叫爸爸了嗎
她是有叫"爸爸 爸爸" 再玩的時候, 但不是對著Frank叫......
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