October 30, 2007

Another Baby Shower

I thought most of the baby showers are for the moms, and the guys are just tagging along. There will be cakes, gifts, but no beers.

Few days ago, Kathy sent out an email to all the employees, "We will have a lunch meeting on Oct 25th at noon to review the 2008 benefits. Please let me know if you will not attend. Yes, Lunch will be provided."

Well, it's been a while since we had a staff meeting, and we didn't have our annual retreat this year, either. I guess it's about time to talk about stuff, maybe there will be something about the new office. I didn't really pay attention to the "benefit-reviewing" part, though. That morning, Kathy was passing around a birthday card for Jeni. She mentioned that we'll celebrate her birthday during the lunch meeting.

To be entirely honest, I have completely forgot about the lunch meeting. After all, it was almost ten days ago when I got that two-line email. I don't really recall what the meeting was about. I am more interested in what we are going to have for lunch. All morning, I was dealing with Caltrans to get the drilling going next week. Had to do location plans with permits and followed by phone calls and fax. Things finally slowed down a little bit when the food got here.

I should've noticed the door of the marketing room was closed in the morning. I should've sensed that there is something going on when they put the food on the table just outside of David's office. Well, I didn't feel anything different when they let me get to the food first......

When I opened the conference room door, I was shocked. There was a cake on the table, and the room was full of balloons of pink and white. All the files on the cabinet were replaced with bunch of presents. It's a surprise baby shower for me!! That's when I realized... that's right, I am going to have a baby soon......

diaper cake cake

Isabella gift basket gifts

a quickr pickr post

Thank you all for everything you've done!! I am sure Ashley will enjoy all the presents you've got for her. I will also let her know...

"You know, the fajitas was pretty good, too!!"

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