October 10, 2007

The Idea of the "Floor Bed".

''Floor Bed" 這個詞對於蒙特梭利老師來說也許不陌生, 但對大多數人來說, 絕對是個陌生的概念.

剛開始接觸蒙氏教育哲學時, 就曾聽說蒙式的育嬰房不採用''Crib'' (有欄杆的嬰兒床), 取而代之的是 "floor bed''.

所謂的 floor bed 其實就是twin size 或是 full size的床墊加上床罩, 原則上床墊不超過 4 inches. 如此一來, 嬰兒就算翻身超過了床沿, 也不會因此而受傷.

第一次接觸這個概念時, 並沒有seriously的考慮過 , 只覺得這是一個理想性的做法罷了. 當自己懷孕要有baby時, 再次接觸到這個概念 (從 Montessori From The Start)後又想了一想, 何不試試呢.
跟Frank聊天時提到這個想法, 沒想到他覺得也有道理 (還真是出乎我的意料), 於是就付諸實行了.
跟學校的同事談到了 "Floor bed'', 大家的反應分成兩種: 一. 這是個有趣的想法, 那你就試試看. 二. 懷疑的態度. 你真的不用嬰兒床嗎?? 有一位同事說 ''萬一蜘蛛爬到床上怎麼辦?'' 恩.......我想蜘蛛也會爬到嬰兒床上吧~~

書中提出使用Crib的缺點: "Not only is the small space very confining for her; typically, she can now pull herself up by the bars. Because at first she cannot get down again, she stands and howls until a parent comes to get her. Often this is the beginning of another disturbed sleep cycle for both parent and child." (Montessori From the Start, p. 128)

摘錄一段書中講述 Floor bed的益處:
"We want first to add to the child's visual impressions and opportunities for focusing her eyes and developing her sight. We have mentioned the child-bed on the floor which gives the baby more to see, versus the crib high in the air with a limited view. From the lower position of the child-bed, the child builds a visual map of her room before she begins to move about in it and take in even more. '' (Montessori From the Start, p. 43)
The Links of the Floor Bed:

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